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Airlive Wl 5470ap Firmware

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Airlive Wl 5470ap Firmware

You will now configure the WiFi on your AirLive router. To begin, click on the network icon on the top left hand side of your screen. Select, Connect to Your WiFi network. You should now see your connection in the list. If you do not see it, click on your WiFi network, then click on the Setup tab.

Now, we are going to configure the modem. Note that there may be an IP address of your modem provided to you when it arrived in the box. To find out what the ip address of your modem is, go back to AirLive Network Settings and go back to the Configuration tab. Make sure you scan for new IP addresses and scan for DHCP. If you do not see any IP address, your modem is not set up and needs to be configued.

Even though airlive wl 5470ap firmware can be installed on almost every router, we recommend you to have your AirLive WL-5470AP Router Firmware upgraded to the latest router firmware, downloaded from the AirLive WL-5470AP Support page. Some users may have found that their router firmware are not compatible with Airtel Nigeria. It is advisable to have latest firmware version as to avoid future annoyances. Click here for the AirLive WL-5470AP Firmware

You have successfully set up port forwarding on your AirLive WL-5470AP router. Congratualation! Now we must teach you how to configure the port forwarding on your AirLive router. While you may have already read this information on your AirLive router, it is good to repeat it just incase some of the information is lost in your brain. Airlive wl 5470ap firmware If you are using Asus Forum's, I would suggest using their dedicated port forwarding guide as it will help you generate a Firewall for your WLAN as well as other guides for other router systems. 3d9ccd7d82


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