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Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 __HOT__

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22: A Comprehensive Review

If you are looking for a course of Italian language for foreigners, you might have come across Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22. This is a textbook with a compact disc that covers the basic level of Italian (A1) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). But what is Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 and what does it offer? In this article, we will review the main features, advantages and disadvantages of this course.

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22


What is Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 is a textbook written by Maurizio Trifone, Antonella Filippone and Andreina Sgaglione and published by Le Monnier in 2007. It is part of a series of textbooks that cover different levels of Italian, from A1 to C2. Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 is designed for beginners who want to learn the basics of Italian grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and culture.

What does Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 offer?

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 consists of 12 units, each with a different theme and communicative goal. The units are organized as follows:

  • An introduction page with a picture and some questions to activate the previous knowledge and stimulate the curiosity of the learners.

  • A dialogue or a text that presents the main topic and the new language items.

  • A section called "Osserva e impara" (Observe and learn) that explains the grammar rules and provides examples and exercises.

  • A section called "Parla e scrivi" (Speak and write) that offers activities to practice the oral and written skills.

  • A section called "Ascolta e leggi" (Listen and read) that includes listening and reading comprehension tasks based on authentic materials.

  • A section called "Ripassa e verifica" (Review and check) that summarizes the main points of the unit and provides self-evaluation tests.

  • A section called "Cultura e società" (Culture and society) that introduces some aspects of the Italian culture and civilization related to the unit theme.

The textbook also comes with a compact disc that contains the audio tracks for the listening activities and some songs. Moreover, there is an appendix with a glossary, a grammar summary, a verb conjugation table and the transcripts of the audio tracks.

What are the advantages of Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

Some of the advantages of Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 are:

  • It covers all the skills and competences required by the CEFR for the A1 level.

  • It offers a variety of topics and activities that are relevant, engaging and fun for the learners.

  • It integrates grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and culture in a natural and contextualized way.

  • It provides clear explanations, examples and exercises for each grammar point.

  • It uses authentic materials from different sources (newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.) to expose the learners to real language use.

  • It fosters intercultural awareness and appreciation of the Italian culture and society.

What are the disadvantages of Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

Some of the disadvantages of Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 are:

  • It might be too challenging for absolute beginners who have no prior knowledge of Italian or any other Romance language.

  • It might be too expensive for some learners who cannot afford to buy both the textbook and the compact disc.

  • It might be outdated in some aspects, as it was published in 2007 and some information or references might have changed since then.


How to use Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 can be used both in a classroom setting and for self-study. In a classroom setting, the teacher can guide the learners through the units and supplement them with additional materials and activities. For self-study, the learners can follow the units at their own pace and use the compact disc and the appendix for extra practice and reference. In both cases, it is recommended to complete all the sections and exercises of each unit and check the answers with the key provided at the end of the book.

Where to find Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 can be purchased online or in bookstores that sell Italian language books. The price may vary depending on the seller and the availability. Alternatively, Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 can be downloaded for free from some websites that offer PDF files of books. However, this might not be legal or ethical, as it violates the copyright of the authors and the publisher.

What are some alternatives to Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22?

If you are looking for other courses of Italian language for foreigners, you might want to consider some alternatives to Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22. Some of them are:

  • Nuovo Espresso 1: a textbook with a DVD-ROM that covers the A1-A2 level of Italian. It has 10 units with a similar structure to Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22, but with more interactive and multimedia features.

  • Domani 1: a textbook with an online platform that covers the A1 level of Italian. It has 8 units that focus on everyday situations and communicative tasks.

  • Progetto italiano Junior 1: a textbook with an audio CD that covers the A1 level of Italian. It is designed for young learners (11-14 years old) and has 6 units with colorful illustrations and games.


Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 is a course of Italian language for foreigners that covers the basic level of Italian (A1) according to the CEFR. It offers a variety of topics and activities that are relevant, engaging and fun for the learners. It integrates grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and culture in a natural and contextualized way. It provides clear explanations, examples and exercises for each grammar point. It uses authentic materials from different sources to expose the learners to real language use. It fosters intercultural awareness and appreciation of the Italian culture and society.

However, Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 might not be suitable for everyone. It might be too challenging for absolute beginners who have no prior knowledge of Italian or any other Romance language. It might be too expensive for some learners who cannot afford to buy both the textbook and the compact disc. It might be outdated in some aspects, as it was published in 2007 and some information or references might have changed since then.

Therefore, before choosing Affresco Italiano A1 Pdf 22 as your course of Italian language, you should consider your level, your budget, your preferences and your goals. You should also compare it with other alternatives that are available on the market. Whatever course you choose, remember that learning a new language is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that can enrich your personal and professional life. d282676c82


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