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Pixel Gun 3d How To Change Controls

How to Customize Your Controls in Pixel Gun 3D for a Better Gaming Experience

Pixel Gun 3D is a popular multiplayer shooter game that lets you create your own character, choose your weapons, and battle with other players online. However, if you are not comfortable with the default controls of the game, you might find it hard to aim, shoot, and move around. Fortunately, Pixel Gun 3D allows you to change your controls and settings to suit your preference and play style. In this article, we will show you how to do that and give you some tips on how to improve your performance in Pixel Gun 3D.

Pixel gun 3d how to change controls

How to Change Your Controls in Pixel Gun 3D

To change your controls in Pixel Gun 3D, you need to go to the settings menu. You can access it by tapping on the gear icon on the top right corner of the main screen. Once you are in the settings menu, you will see four tabs: General, Controls, Graphics, and Audio. Tap on the Controls tab to see the options for customizing your controls.

There are two main types of controls in Pixel Gun 3D: touch controls and controller support. Touch controls are the default option for playing on mobile devices, while controller support allows you to use an external controller such as an Xbox or PlayStation controller. You can switch between these two options by tapping on the Touch/Controller button on the top left corner of the Controls tab.

Touch Controls

If you are using touch controls, you will see four sub-tabs: Basic, Advanced, HUD Editor, and Sensitivity. Each sub-tab has different options for adjusting your touch controls.


The Basic sub-tab lets you choose between two control schemes: Auto Fire and Manual Fire. Auto Fire means that your weapon will automatically shoot when you aim at an enemy, while Manual Fire means that you have to tap on a separate button to shoot. You can also enable or disable Aim Assist, which helps you lock onto targets more easily.


The Advanced sub-tab lets you customize the size and position of the buttons on your screen. You can drag and drop the buttons to move them around, or use the slider to adjust their size. You can also enable or disable buttons such as Jump, Crouch, Reload, Grenade, Melee, etc.

HUD Editor

The HUD Editor sub-tab lets you customize the layout and appearance of your heads-up display (HUD). You can drag and drop the elements such as Health Bar, Ammo Bar, Kill Feed, Chat Box, etc. to move them around, or use the slider to adjust their size and transparency. You can also enable or disable elements such as Crosshair, Damage Indicator, Kill Cam, etc.


The Sensitivity sub-tab lets you adjust the sensitivity of your touch screen. You can use the slider to increase or decrease the sensitivity of your horizontal and vertical movements. You can also enable or disable Gyroscope Control, which allows you to tilt your device to aim.

Controller Support

If you are using controller support, you will see two sub-tabs: Controller Settings and Controller Layout. Each sub-tab has different options for adjusting your controller settings.

Controller Settings

The Controller Settings sub-tab lets you choose between two controller modes: Shooting Mode and Normal Mode. Shooting Mode means that you can use your controller to aim and shoot like a normal shooter game, while Normal Mode means that you have to use your touch screen to aim and shoot like a mobile game. You can also enable or disable Aim Assist and Gyroscope Control.

Controller Layout

The Controller Layout sub-tab lets you customize the buttons and functions of your controller. You can drag and drop the buttons to assign them different actions such as Jump, Crouch, Reload, Grenade, Melee, etc. You can also enable or disable buttons such as Fire Button 1 and Fire Button 2.

Tips on How to Improve Your Performance in Pixel Gun 3D

Now that you know how to change your controls in Pixel Gun 3D, here are some tips on how to improve your performance in the game:

  • Experiment with different control schemes and settings until you find the one that works best for you. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone.

  • Practice your aiming and shooting skills in offline modes such as Campaign or Arena before jumping into online matches.

  • Choose your weapons wisely according to your play style and situation. Some weapons are better suited for close-range combat while others are better for long-range sniping.

  • Use cover and movement to avoid getting hit by enemy fire. Don't stand still or expose yourself too much.

  • Communicate and cooperate with your teammates in team-based modes such as Team Fight or Capture The Flag. Use the chat box or voice chat to coordinate your strategies and tactics.

  • Have fun and enjoy the game!


Pixel Gun 3D is a fun and exciting shooter game that lets you customize your controls and settings to your liking. Whether you prefer touch controls or controller support, you can easily change them in the settings menu and find the best option for you. You can also improve your performance in the game by following some simple tips and tricks. Pixel Gun 3D is a game that you can enjoy with your friends or with other players online. So what are you waiting for? Download Pixel Gun 3D today and start shooting!

How to Change Your Graphics and Audio Settings in Pixel Gun 3D

Besides changing your controls, you can also change your graphics and audio settings in Pixel Gun 3D to enhance your gaming experience. To do that, you need to go to the settings menu and tap on the Graphics or Audio tab. Here are some of the options you can adjust:


The Graphics tab lets you change the quality and performance of the game's graphics. You can use the slider to increase or decrease the graphics quality, which affects the resolution, texture, and lighting of the game. You can also enable or disable options such as Shadows, Anti-Aliasing, Bloom, and FPS Counter. The higher the graphics quality, the more realistic and detailed the game will look, but it will also consume more battery and memory. The lower the graphics quality, the more smooth and fast the game will run, but it will also look more pixelated and bland.


The Audio tab lets you change the volume and sound effects of the game's audio. You can use the slider to increase or decrease the volume of the Music, Sound Effects, and Voice Chat. You can also enable or disable options such as Vibration, Sound Notifications, and Background Music. The higher the volume, the more immersive and loud the game will sound, but it will also drain more battery and annoy other people around you. The lower the volume, the more quiet and discreet the game will sound, but it will also make it harder to hear enemies and teammates.

How to Change Your General Settings in Pixel Gun 3D

Finally, you can also change your general settings in Pixel Gun 3D to customize your gameplay and account preferences. To do that, you need to go to the settings menu and tap on the General tab. Here are some of the options you can modify:


The Gameplay sub-tab lets you change some of the basic features and functions of the game. You can enable or disable options such as Auto-Update Skins, Auto-Update Maps, Auto-Update Weapons, Auto-Update Armor, Auto-Update Gadgets, Auto-Update Pets, Auto-Update Clan Weapons, Auto-Update Clan Forts, Auto-Update Clan Tanks, Auto-Update Clan Siege Weapons. These options allow you to automatically update your items and resources whenever there is a new version available. You can also enable or disable options such as Show Nicknames, Show Health Bars, Show Kill Feed, Show Chat Box, Show Clan Chat Box. These options allow you to show or hide some of the information and communication features on your screen.


The Account sub-tab lets you change some of the personal details and security settings of your account. You can change your username, password, email address, profile picture, clan name, clan logo, clan description. You can also enable or disable options such as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of protection to your account by requiring a code sent to your email or phone whenever you log in from a new device. You can also link or unlink your account to other platforms such as Facebook or Google Play.

How to Change Your Controls in Pixel Gun 3D on PC

If you are playing Pixel Gun 3D on PC, you might want to change your controls to suit your keyboard and mouse. To do that, you need to download and install an emulator such as BlueStacks, which allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Once you have installed BlueStacks, you can launch Pixel Gun 3D from the app store and start playing.

To change your controls in Pixel Gun 3D on PC, you need to go to the settings menu and tap on the Touch/Controller button on the top left corner of the Controls tab. Then, you need to switch to the Controller mode and tap on the Controller Layout sub-tab. Here, you can drag and drop the buttons to assign them different keys on your keyboard and mouse. You can also enable or disable buttons such as Fire Button 1 and Fire Button 2.

Alternatively, you can use the default control scheme that features an option where you press F1 to toggle into shooting mode, which allows you to play the game like a normal shooter. In shooting mode, you can use your mouse to aim and shoot, and your keyboard to move around. You can also press F2 to toggle back to normal mode, where you have to use your touch screen to aim and shoot like a mobile game.


Pixel Gun 3D is a fun and exciting shooter game that lets you customize your controls and settings to your liking. Whether you prefer touch controls or controller support, you can easily change them in the settings menu and find the best option for you. You can also improve your performance in the game by following some simple tips and tricks. Pixel Gun 3D is a game that you can enjoy with your friends or with other players online. So what are you waiting for? Download Pixel Gun 3D today and start shooting! d282676c82


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