In this type, more attention is paid to the detection job function email list cost and detection time, and the detection accuracy will be relaxed. On the one hand, the increase in the order of magnitude job function email list of detection leads to an increase in cost. On the other job function email list hand, this type of population job function email list is likely to be at risk of disease, so the number and probability of the virus in the body will increase, so even if the accuracy is relaxed, it is still possible. detected in time. 03 So back to our most products,
Do our products have such a balance job function email list point? In fact, there are, that is: cost, time, benefit. Cost, which refers to the resources that need to be invested, such as R&D resources; Time, which refers to the cost of time invested; Benefit: Refers to the profit evaluation after completion; How to understand it? We can give several scenarios to better understand the balance job function email list of the three. Scenario 1:
Online failure One day, we suddenly found an online failure. For example, Alipay can enter the password randomly, and the payment can be successful. It belongs job function email list job function email list to a relatively serious problem, which will affect the normal use of users job function email list and cause potential job function email list losses. In such a case, we will only focus on time, how to fix this problem faster and avoid losses, and the cost of investment will not be considered too much.