Do you know of any other controversy in the Country Email List advertising industry? Share it in our comments!Digital leads the investment ranking this January, a month in which all media show positive developments except for Magazines Country Email List and Television. Indexation has published the advertising investment data for January 2022 and the trend that can be seen is quite positive. Spending on advertising reached 359.4 million euros in that month, growing by 11.1% compared to the equivalent period of the previous year when the Country Email List registered volume was 323.6 million euros. In the first position of the ranking by volume of investment we find
Digital , which has experienced a notable Country Email List increase of 17.2% compared to January 2021 and has obtained 177.1 million euros. Within Digital, the best behavior this month is for Websites . It grew by 21.5%, going from 54.7 million euros in the same month last year to 66.5 million this January. Social Networks , increased its Country Email List investment figure by 19.6% and exceeded 46 million euros, and Search , meanwhile, increased its volume by 11.4% to 64.2 million euros. Last year this section obtained 57.6 million euros. Television and Magazines, the only media that descend The second medium in the ranking is Television, which brings Country Email List together an advertising investment of 114.8 million euros.
This represents 1.4% less than the 116.4 million euros registered in January 2021. Radio that ranks third for investment and stands at 28.2 million, Country Email List according to the Indexation report . The fourth medium, Newspapers rose to 17.6 million euros in the first month of the year and recorded a rise of 13.3% over the figure corresponding to the previous year. The Foreign media increased its volume of advertising investment by 41.7% with 14 million Country Email List euros in the month of January. Re vistas , sixth medium by volume of investment, decreased its figure by 0.2% and 6.5 million euros. Cinema , registers 0.7 million euros and a positive Country Email List evolution of 96% compared to January 2021.